Children Courses

Abacus is an instrument that was invented some 2500 years ago primarily in China, which later on spread through countries like Korea,

Vedic Math
Today most of the times mathematics is learnt as a routine process to acquire a degree except for a few instances. But everybody should.

Handwriting Improvement
A good handwriting is a pleasure both to the student and to the examiner. Only with good alignment can good handwriting

Speed + Accuracy + Memory = ABACUS
Abacus is an instrument that was invented some 2500 years ago primarily in China, which later on spread through countries like Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Malaysia etc. It was used in the ancient times for calculating numbers through basic arithmetic system. It has now been proven as a complete brain development tool over last two decades.
Abacus became popular over the world after being transformed from a calculating instrument into a system having immense power to benefit children of small ages by expanding the brain usage, in addition to making maths learning easy and effective.
Functions of Abacus
An abacus instrument allows performing basic operations like Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division. It can also carry out operations such as counting up to decimal places, calculates sums having negative numbers etc.
Abacus enhances learners
- Visualization:
- Concentration:
- Logical Reasoning:
- Memory:
- Recall:
Few benefits of learning Abacus
- Sharpens your mind, increases mental agility and intelligence
- Better and Much Improved Academic Performance in school.
- Develops visualization, Listening Skill and concentration abilities
- Increases speed and accuracy.
The Course is for:
Children between 7 to 14 years of age
- There are 8 Levels and duration of each level is 3 months
- Classes are held once a week for 2 hours.
Vedic Math
Today most of the times mathematics is learnt as a routine process to acquire a degree except for a few instances. But everybody should appreciate the beauty of mathematics and realise the importance of learning the same.
Vedic Mathematics widens the perspective of viewing at and knowing mathematics. It enhances the intelligence by widening the learner’s perspective and improving one’s logical assessment; skill in approaching problems in different ways and arriving at the right solutions quickly.
His Holiness JagadguruShankaracharya Sri Bharati Krishna TirthaSwamiji found mathematics in the appendix of Atharva Veda and based on that he formulated sixteen simple aphorisms (Sutras). Swamiji later showed that these Sutras can be applied to solve each and every problem of mathematics easily.
Some Features
- There are 16 sutras. These sutras are simple sentences which can be easily understood, remembered and applied.
- A problem can be solved in different methods using different sutras. This gives an option for the student to choose the easiest method.
- There are very easy verification techniques in Vedic Mathematics. So, a student can verify the results instantly.
- It saves precious time in solving the problems
Why Vedic Math?
Many Indian Secondary School students consider Mathematics a very difficult subject. Some students encounter difficulty with basic arithmetical operations. Some students feel it difficult to manipulate symbols and balance equations. In other words, abstract and logical reasoning is their hurdle.
The Course is for: Children between classes 6 to 12.
Duration: The course is 40 Days and classes are conducted in April month every year

Handwriting Improvement
A good handwriting is a pleasure both to the student and to the examiner. Only with good alignment can good handwriting be obtained. There are certain rules, which when followed will lead to an excellent handwriting.
What you will learn..
- Instructions for Handwriting Movements
- Types of Handwriting
- Importance of Strokes & Strokes writing
- Introduction to cursive handwriting
- Sitting Position Skills & Holding pencil
- Cursive Small Letters
- Cursive easy words
- Cursive Capital Letters
- Cursive hard words
- Sentences
- Paragraphs
Advantages of Handwriting program:
- Handwriting becomes more readable
2. Mistakes due to wrong writing are avoided
3. Makes the children practice good writing.
The Course is for: Children between 7 to 14 years of age
Duration: The course is 40 Days and classes are conducted in April month every year.